Welcome to the AIS eLibrary, your central repository for research papers and journal articles relevant to the information systems academic community. Created and maintained for AIS members and AIS eLibrary subscribers, you can browse and download papers for AMCIS, ICIS and for all AIS conferences and affiliated conferences, as well as content from AIS SIGs, Chapters and the most prominent academic journals in the field.
In order to provide more security and privacy to the AIS eLibrary, effective August 14, 2017 AIS members will have two routes in order to access content in the AIS eLibrary;
- The regular route is via logging into AISnet.org and navigating to the eLibrary.
- The new route is via logging in the AIS eLibrary directly on http://j8cucl.wcbzw.com/
Route 2 will prompt you for an ID and Password. Your ID has been set to be the same as your AIS Member User ID. You'll be prompted to establish a password, which does not need to be the same as your AIS membership password. (Please note that if your AIS Member User ID is not an eMail address, then your eLibrary ID was set to the email address on record in your AIS Membership Profile.)
The reason for these changes is to enhance security in the AIS eLibrary, especially with content that is part of the AIS Affiliated Journals program. Moving forward, logging into the eLibrary from this page (http://j8cucl.wcbzw.com/) will be the only way of accessing content for Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) and Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) journals. Accessing other content in the AIS eLibrary will remain the same.
Please be aware that BePress is the host site of the AIS eLibrary. Many authors may already have an established author ID on Bepress. If so, then be sure that your AIS Membership ID and your BePress Author ID are the same. You'll now be able to 'View' all content in the AIS eLibrary on Bepress via your Author ID.
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If you are a prospective member, please take a look at our member benefits or join or subscribe today!
AIS eLibrary Subscription Tiers | Pricing Options |
Individual Subscriber | $90 |
Community College Subscription | $498 |
MIS Quarterly Executive | $495 |
University Subscription | $2,377 |
Government/Corporate Entity Subscriber | $3,099 |
Acceptance Policy Update: There is a $200 production fee for articles accepted for publication in official AIS journals with no AIS member authors (Bylaw 11.2). The fee is to defray the costs of post-acceptance publication of articles. To prevent delay in the publishing of your article, please ensure that at least one author is a member of AIS. You can also join AIS at any time for this and many other benefits. For questions regarding this policy, please email for additional assistance.
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